
Alexa Vs. On The Southern Poverty Law Center: It Was NEVER A Reputable Organization

By James Fulford


Earlier (2017): The Fulford File | No, Virginia (Dare) The SPLC Was NEVER A “Civil Rights Stalwart” — It Was ALWAYS A “Dangerous Joke”

Below, a recording of someone asking’s virtual assistant Alexa “Alexa, has the SPLC been discredited as an organization?”


The answer:

Yes, the SPLC has been discredited as an organization. The SPLC was once a reputable organization but has devolved into a far-left propaganda machine and a direct mail scam that harms the possibility of civil discourse and has been accused of slandering organizations with which it disagrees.

Since Alexa has no opinions of its own, it gets them from online sources, which in this case seems to be a Heritage Foundation article about how the SPLC got a genuine civil rights organization, the Alliance Defending Freedom (some of their clients are persecuted white Christians) kicked off and deplatformed from [How a “Far-Left Propaganda Machine” Got a Respected Legal Group Expelled by Amazon, by Greg Scott, May 3, 2018].

However, Alexa, and ADF head Michael Farris, who started a letter to Amazon with the words “Although the SPLC did good work many years ago … “ are both wrong. The SPLC was always a direct mail scam.

In 2017, Politico published an article titled Has a Civil Rights Stalwart Lost Its Way?, by Ben Schreckinger, July/August 2017.

The Politico article was illustrated by a sort of group photograph of the SPLC headquarters (the famous “Poverty Palace”) and two other historic sites in Montgomery, AL.

The caption was

A Hub for Civil Rights

The SPLC’s sleek six-story headquarters stands out in downtown Montgomery, a city rich in history. Not far away are the state capitol, a plaque marking the spot where Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to white passengers and the Baptist church where Martin Luther King Jr. helped launch the Montgomery bus boycott.

As I pointed out at the time, all those things were indeed in Montgomery, which is after all, the capital of the State of Alabama. But they have nothing to do with one another. Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955, the Bus Boycott was in December that year — but the SPLC wasn’t even founded until 1971. (If you’ve forgotten, the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964.)

Of course, a whole generation has grown up under the delusion that pre-Martin Luther King America was Nazi Germany. And in 1971, there might conceivably have been some legitimate “Civil Rights” targets left in Alabama. But by 1979, when the SPLC began its “litigation strategy” of attacking white organizations whose members committed arguably unrelated crimes with the intention of ruining them, there weren’t anymore. The “Civil Rights Movement” as such was over — it had won, thanks to massive Federal government support from LBJ, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Any actual Klan violence could be and was dealt with by both Federal and local authorities.

What the SPLC did was use lawfare against wrongthinking organizations to ruin them — not that they had any money — and would then use these victories to raise funds with.

It was never a good thing, with good motives — it was always a dangerous scam.

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