ALIPAC: NC Illegal Immigrant College Access Meeting Rigged!

By Nicholas Stix


[NS: I received the following press release today from William Gheen, of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, better known as ALIPAC.]

The December 18, 2009, public input meeting required by law on the matter of the N.C. Community College Board giving illegal aliens access to our colleges was rigged.

It was rigged in several ways.

First, the meeting was placed on a workday morning the Friday before Christmas, when taxpayers that are working would be unable to attend.

Second, there were no N.C. Community College Board members even present at this meeting! It appears they could not even take time off to be there, and the crowd was assured that our comments would be delivered to the board members and they would receive and review all of our comments and letters. Pretty shabby that not one board member attended the meeting.

Third, the illegal aliens and their supporters had special insider knowledge and treatment. They arrived and were allowed to sign in to speak at 8 a.m., or two hours prior to the advertised start of the meeting.

When confronted with this information, the state employees running the meeting lied to citizens and the press. When I asked them what time sign-ups began, they claimed 9 a.m. I pointed out that was impossible since it was 9:03 a.m. and I was signing in as speaker #35! Their story then changed to the claim that sign ups started at 8:30 a.m.

The meeting organizer and the women running the sign up table continued to lie and claim that sign-ups began at 8:30 a.m., even when confronted by Ron Woodard of NC Listen, Randy Dye of Randy’s Right blog, and James Johnson of NC Fire who signed in as speakers 28, 29, and 30 at 8:25 a.m.!

We have video evidence of an event organizer telling Randy Dye, who had signed in as speaker #29 earlier at 8:25 a.m., that sign ups began at 8:30 a.m. We gave the main event organizer on film making the same false claim and she is on record with WRAL making that 8:30 a.m. claim as well.

Another lie we were told was that nobody was allowed to sign up anyone else. I asked that question directly and was told "under no circumstances".

Later, we found out that one of our supporters, Mrs. Norton (Speaker number 47) had been signed up by her young friend that assisted her at the event. Her young friend, who had signed her in and was handed a slip by the ladies at the table without Mrs. Norton present, had the appearance of a young and liberal college student much like the young protesters that were all signed in to speak prior to 8:30 a.m.

We documented and can prove that middle-aged white males were told they could not sign anyone else, as the assigned speaking time was almost full, while a teenager, with a blue streak of hair similar in age demographic and social style to the pro-illegal alien protesters, was allowed to sign in another person.

The fact that illegal alien supporters were indeed signing up other people was evidenced when speaker #25 was confronted by the presiding officer for not being the person signed up in that position after he announced his name. When confronted he responded "Oh she had to leave" and then was allowed to proceed. The young students and their handlers were well aware of their abilities to exploit the meeting rules with full assistance and cover from those conducting this political charade.

Illegal alien supporters had special access to those planning this meeting and were aware that they could show up and sign in two hours in advance to fill up time and give a false impression of spontaneous support for illegals in our community colleges.

The results were that the first 26 speakers, comprising the first 78 of 150 minutes of testimony to the N.C. Community College Board and the N.C. media were all in favor of illegal aliens attending our community colleges, which are currently turning innocent Americans away because they are over capacity.

Six people, myself included, spoke out on behalf of the 70-81% of NC citizens who oppose illegal aliens being in our community colleges.

Fifty-one people, mostly high school and college students, college professors, and college administrators, who are out on Christmas vacation, were present to support the illegal aliens.

Of course, we would have preferred that more people that are against taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens had come to this meeting to speak out. We did our best to notify people five days prior, but we were heavily engaged fighting against the new Amnesty bill in Washington D.C. American apathy is a huge reason illegal immigration is rampant, but what we faced at the Dec. 18 meeting had been in the planning by the pro-illegal alien faction for many months. The illegal alien supporting faction had an advantage over us in numbers attending, insider connections and information, preferential treatment, time to prepare, funding, and staff dedicated to their goals.

Many of the people who came to speak out against illegal aliens being granted access to our community colleges were not allowed to speak because the meeting ended at 12:30 p.m. and the event organizers made it clear they would not extend the time allowed.

Anyone who signed up to speak at the meeting after approximately 9:20 a.m., for a meeting that was barely advertised to the public as starting at 10 a.m., was not allowed to speak. Many left the meeting early, realizing their time had been wasted and their participation had been blocked by the illegal alien supporter exploitation of the process, insider information, and preferential treatment.

One such speaker deprived of a chance to present was a County Commissioner bearing a commission resolution opposing access for illegals to our colleges.

Instead of using my three minutes to make my points on this matter, I spent my three minutes warning the public and the press that the political theater they were witnessing in the room was rigged and not representative of the views of the public.

I had intended to use my time to point out to the N.C. Community College Board, media, and public that a decision to grant illegal aliens access to our community colleges was not a simple rule change to be approved by a board made up of appointees. A matter of this magnitude should require a debate and vote by the N.C. General Assembly to allow taxpayers the highest level of representation in this matter.

Those of us who are aware that 70-81% of our legal American citizens oppose illegal aliens going to our colleges are quite aware that the N.C. Board of Community Colleges is doing the political dirty work here to avoid Democratic lawmakers from taking the heat for this unpopular and harmful move.

I had also hoped to point out that millions of Americans are now aware that what behind-the-scenes powers are trying to do for illegal aliens here in N.C. is only a small part of a much larger plan that is in progress across the nation, and that the plans involving illegal aliens, taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens, and future voting rights for illegal aliens are all happening without public or Congressional approval and in violation of the existing laws of the United States.

The bureaucrats who are formulating college access for illegal aliens are working hard not to alarm the public and to soothe any and all concerns while manufacturing appearances of broad support for their plans.

Two consistent claims are that American students will not be treated unfairly and that illegal aliens will not be given any special or preferential treatment, and the illegals will have to pay out-of-state admission prices, which are very high.

Yet, state employees overtly lied to the media and public on Dec. 18, 2009, and illegal aliens and their supporters were given both special information, support, placement, and treatment that were not afforded to the general public at this meeting. A large volume of those speaking out for the illegals also demanded in-state tuition rates for illegal aliens which was soundly defeated in 2005 when HB 1183 collapsed under massive public pressure.

JWP Civitas polling later determined in 2006 that 81% of N.C. likely voters were less likely to vote for any state lawmaker who supported in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.

So we learned for a fact on Dec. 18, 2009, that the state employees and agencies promoting illegal alien access to community colleges are lying, are working in collusion with the illegal-alien supporters, and the eventual goal is to give illegal aliens taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition, as we have seen in ten other states!

The testimony and opinions of those that support in-state tuition and college access for illegal aliens has been sullied by the unethical tactics deployed by those conducting political theater with this meeting.

This report is being sent to N.C. lawmakers, media, and members of the public to raise awareness of the deceptive, unethical, improper, and possibly illegal actions taken by state employees, agents of the N.C. Community College Board, and illegal-alien supporters on Dec. 18, 2009.

On behalf of the vast majority of North Carolina citizens who do not want any non-emergency medical taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens, including no college access, licenses, or in-state tuition, that the N.C. Community College Board refer this matter to the N.C. Legislature immediately.

We call on our elected officials at the N.C. General Assembly to call for the matter to be resolved via legislation, instead of bureaucratic orders from non-elected state employees.

We would also like to see a full investigation into the public input meeting of Dec. 18, 2009, to determine which state employees gave special information, special treatment to the illegal-alien supporting faction and what power brokers behind the scenes secured this unfair advantage over the general public.

State government and all government should be transparent and fair with equal access to all American citizens. All American citizens deserve fair treatment, the truth, and adequate representation on important matters such as illegal immigration. On Friday, Dec. 18, 2009, fair treatment, the truth, transparency, equal access, and adequate representation were all usurped by illegal aliens and their supporters, which apparently have more influence over our government that the American public at this time.

William Gheen

President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

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