America Does Not Need ANY Immigrants From Africa

By Patrick Cleburne


H/T Global Black History

A depressed H/T to the invaluable website The New Observer for Present-Day African Immigration to America at All Time High February 17, 2017

There were at least 2.1 million African-born immigrants living in the United States in 2015 — compared to the 366,961 who were brought to North America during the entire transatlantic slave trade era — and African-born immigrants are currently doubling every decade.

The 2.1 million Africa-born Africans in 2015 is a substantial increase from 2000, when there were 881,000 such immigrants, and a substantial increase from 1970 when there were only 80,000 foreign-born Africans in America.

This dreadful news is derived from African immigrant population in U.S. steadily climbs by Monica Anderson Pew Research Center February 14, 2017 which says

When compared with other major groups who arrived in the U.S. in the past five years, Africans had the fastest growth rate from 2000 to 2013, increasing by 41 percent during that period. Africans are also a fast-growing segment of the black immigrant population in the U.S., increasing by 137 percent from 2000 to 2013.

This development is an unmitigated disaster for America. Africans as a whole are quite stunningly DUMB. This was definitively laid out for us by Professor J. P. Rushton in I.Q.: Why Africa is Africa — and Haiti Haiti,followed by Solving The African IQ Conundrum: “Winning Personality” Masks Low Scores which explains why Whites are sometimes slow to realize this.

For immigrants of this low quality — their average IQ of 70 is 15 points below the average for American Blacks — earning a living in the modern American economy will be close to impossible. They will simply go straight onto welfare and probably into crime.

More Blacks = more crime, to a shocking degree. It is as simple as that. Read Telling The Truth: Jared Taylor On The 2016 Edition Of THE COLOR OF CRIME. And African Immigrants are just like other Blacks in this respect. The New Observer has a current story on this: Africans Attack in Renewed Melbourne Violence February 15 2017.

Furthermore, there are a lot of Africans, as Steve Sailer noted in Why Africa’s Fertility Rate Threatens the Globe. Once some pioneer figures out how to get here, floods will arrive. I highlighted this issue in Maine’s Asylum/Welfare Loophole: Why Won’t All Africa Come?

The only positive about African immigration is that they lack the intellect to organize Muslim-style terror.

America does not need ANY African Immigrants.

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