America Infiltrated By Jihadi Terrorists: Box Score
Here is a recent box score of terrorist activity smacked down in this country since 9/11, derived from an interview with Assistant Attorney General Chris Wray: [Terrorists will fail, official says, By Jerry Seper, Washington Times, May 4]
Criminal Division prosecutors and investigators, working with state and local authorities, have disrupted more than 150 terrorist cells and threats from Portland, Ore., to Lackawanna, N.Y., incapacitating more than 3,000 known operatives. They also have charged 375 persons in terrorism-related cases, 195 of whom already have pleaded guilty or been convicted, and removed from the country more than 500 people linked to September 11.
Get those numbers? This country has a serious terrorist infiltration problem, caused by decades of open borders. Most cases are reported in the local press only, and we therefore don’t see the big terror picture of the sons of Allah ensconced all over America, working to murder infidels like you and me.
We shouldn’t underestimate the ingenuity of terrorists residing here. Many are fiendishly clever in how they endeavor to destroy the Great Satan (aka USA). Here are a few colorful examples:
- the two dozen Hezbollah cigarette smugglers of North Carolina
- the Buffalo Six terror trainees following their bliss by learning al Qaeda techniques in Afghanistan
- the Al-Barakaat Wire Transfer company in Seattle which sold food stamps to fund al Qaeda
- Iyas Ali of San Diego who schemed to smuggle heroin to swap for stinger missiles
- Sayed Abdul Malike, the explosive-buying New York cab driver
- Boston resident Mohamed Amry who worked at a health club and stole the credit card numbers and identities of members to aid jihad
- "paintball sheik" Ali al Timimi who was convicted for advocating terrorism against the United States
More stylistically sedate jihadists include:
- Taliban agent (and computer book author) Maher Hawash in Portland
- terrorist funder Rabih Haddad in Detroit
- agent of Islamic Jihad and professor at the University of South Florida Sami al Arian
- CAIR employee Bassem Khafagi sentenced in his bank and visa fraud case after pleading guilty
This list is not at all comprehensive, but is meant to provide diverse examples. Daniel Pipes also has a list plus a map assembled in January 2003, somewhat outdated but still informative.
There have been important trials and convictions, but the MSM would rather run sob stories about allegedly innocent Muslims snatched up by the cruel state in the war on terror. For example, the New York Times has recently been dismissive concerning the arrest of two foreign girls for planning to be suicide bombers.
In the real world, increasing numbers of young Muslim women are blowing themselves up to kill infidels. But the Timesand other MSM hate saying anything unkind about immigrants, so we get puff pieces about the opening of the Dearborn "Arab-American" museum rather than analysis about the real state of homeland security. The overall story of Muslim terrorists in America remains largely untold.