America’s Depraved Political Class: Nail ’Em Up And Bankrupt ’Em

By Paul Nachman


A.W. Morgan had a blog entry here yesterday afternoon (March 8), Trump White House Releases List Of Illegal Immigrants California’s Politicians Think Should Be Loosed Upon Their Own Citizens, that included the following item from that White House list:

On Aug. 2, 2017, the Santa Rosa Police Department in California arrested a citizen of Guatemala, on charges of inflicting corporal injury to a spouse/cohabitant, and booked him into the Sonoma County Jail in Santa Rosa, California. ICE lodged a detainer the same day. The next day at approximately 8:12 p. m. PDT, a Sonoma County Jail sergeant called ICE and advised that the suspect would be released shortly. At 8:36 p. m. PDT, Sonoma County Jail emailed ICE indicating his release. The jail provided ICE with only 24 minutes notice before it released the alien, despite the fact that the jail is located about 65 miles from the nearest ICE field office. ICE did not arrest the alien due to insufficient time given to respond. On Aug. 18, 2017, the Santa Rosa Police Department in California arrested the same individual as a suspect in the murder of his alleged girlfriend. He remains in Sonoma County Sheriff’s custody with an ICE-lodged immigration detainer.

[Emphasis in White House’s original release]

That’s a condensed version of the case I described last September in Sonoma County, California’s “Malicious Compliance” With The Feds.

Read my fuller account, and you may feel yourself channeling, in your disgust, a famous passage in a stump speech by protagonist Willie Stark (a stand-in for Louisiana’s 1930s political boss Huey Long) in Robert Penn Warren’s renowned novel All the King’s Men:

Nail him up if he don’t deliver … . You ask me what my program is. Here it is, you hicks. And don’t you forget it. Nail 'em up! … . You hand me the hammer and I'll do it with my own hand. Nail 'em up on the barn door!
Another quotable wishing of deserved consequences for what Mark Steyn calls "America’s depraved political class" comes from reporter "Sundance" of Conservative Treehouse in the context of the hyper-politically-correct "discipline" regimes in those now-notorious Florida school districts
I will give testimony, provide names, outline dates, and give all prior records to any lawyer for use in a wrongful death lawsuit — so long as their intent would be to financially ruin the entire system and personally bankrupt the participants.

[Emphasis added; quoted in Incompetence Wasn’t the Problem in Broward County, by Jack Cashill, American Thinker, February 26, 2018]


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