
"America’s Pastor" Max Lucado Publicly "Apologizes" for the Sins of Previous Generations of White Americans

By Allan Wall


Max Lucado has been called "America’s Pastor" and "The Best Preacher in America" and has written about 100 books.

Lucado recently engaged in a weird public apology for the racism of past generations of white Americans. Where does the New Testament talk about such a thing?

Oh, but Lucado also confessed his own sin, which was a real doozy .

From the San Antonio Report:

Prominent local pastor and author Max Lucado got down on his knees Sunday [August 9] in San Antonio to beg forgiveness for his and his white ancestors’ acts of racism and inaction. “I am sorry that I have been silent. I am sorry that my head has been buried in the sand,” Lucado said. “My brothers and sisters are hurting and I am sorry. I have made them to feel less than. I did not help. I did not hear. I did not see. I did not understand.” [Pastor Max Lucado asks forgiveness for Christian white supremacy, by Iris Dimmick, San Antonio Report, August 9, 2020]

It was a "park-and-pray" gathering.

Organizers estimated that roughly 3,000 people of all faiths attended the emotional “park-and-pray” event at Freeman Coliseum Sunday evening to follow local faith leaders in prayer to eliminate racism and the coronavirus. At least 23,000 more were watching online.

Praying "to eliminate racism and the coronavirus."

“Our ancestors were wrong. They were wrong. When they bought and sold human beings, that was wrong. When they claimed superiority over slaves, over blacks, that was wrong. When they refused to share water fountains, restaurants, and city buses with your children, your chosen precious children, that was a sin. And we are so very sorry. We are sorry for the pain of that day.”

So is everybody in the world obligated to apologize for the sins of their ancestors, or only white people?

The Oak Hills Church pastor’s prayer comes amid Black Lives Matter protests and calls for racial equity across the nation. Lucado spoke candidly about the “sin” of racism in and outside of the Church.

Lucado shocked the crowd by confessing to his own personal sin in that regard.

“Your church, your pastors, have broken your heart by favoring one skin color over another — oh, Lord God, have mercy on our souls. … How dare we? … How that must nauseate you, O Lord,” he said, adding that those sins extend to brown skin and that he himself has committed them.

Are you ready to hear Max Lucado’s shocking confession of sheer, unmitigated wickedness?

“The word ‘wetback’ has found its way on my lips, too,” he said. “For that, I’m so very sorry. Would you please, O Lord, bring a new day.”

See, Max Lucado let the word "wetback" form on his lips. So he’s guilty of all this collective sin also.

Car horns blared throughout the parking lot in support of his message. They were parked at least one space apart to ensure social distancing.

You don’t want that COVID-19 jumping from one parked car to another.

The PraySA event grew out of conversations between the SA Stronger Together group, ONE-San Antonio, Lucado, Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Calvert (Pct. 4), and many other faith leaders. Stronger Together has been meeting regularly to find ways to bring the community together as the coronavirus pandemic drives people physically apart, said Dorian Williams, an organizer and Black pastor at Texas Christian Fellowship.

Williams’ prayer carried a message of forgiveness. “Never in my life have I ever seen a white person say to me … that I’m sorry,” Williams said, pausing to hold back, then release tears. “That I’m sorry for what happened to your people and our ancestors were wrong.” It is a “new day” for San Antonio, he said.

“We have to release [white people] from sins that you did not commit,” he said.

So after "releasing white people from sins they didn’t commit" (huh?), would it be possible to ask black criminals to stop killing and assaulting white people and other black people? Because that’s something that’s going on right now.

This is not the first such stunt perpetrated by Max Lucado. During the 2016 campaign, the supposedly nonpolitical Lucado broke his don’t-intervene-in-politics policy by coming out as an unabashed Trump-basher. (James Patrick Riley called Lucado out on that one in his column Donald Trump and the Pharisees.)

And last December, Lucado joined the tired list of those hijacking the celebration of Christmas by relating it to illegal immigration.

Jeff Maples at the Christian website Reformation Charlotte, in an article about the Max Lucado "apology," writes that

What the Church needs right now isn’t effeminate men who continue to compromise the gospel by bowing to the cultural demands of social justice and secular ideologies — as most Evangelical leaders have. What we need are men who will oppose this garbage to its face, repudiate it, and point people to the truth of Scripture and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Stop repenting for sins you didn’t commit and stop perpetuating this false narrative that has the Church held captive to vain philosophies [Max Lucado Begs God to Forgive Him For His Ancestors Owning Slaves, Segregation, by Jeff Maples, Reformation Charlotte, August 10, 2020].

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