Americaland: Wildfires In The South Don’t Interest Media — But Donald Trump Sent His Regards
The drought in the South has led to major wildfires. (You haven’t been reading about the drought in the South? Perhaps that’s because the MSM has been focusing on Tweets by the President-Elect and their own plans to overturn the election.)
Donald Trump cares, though:
The media tends to downplay this stuff if it happens outside the Acela Corridor — below is a 2010 flood in Knoxville, via Instapundit:
If you're wondering how deep that is, check out the SUV underneath the DOLLAR GENERAL sign — it’s almost buried.
Nicholas Stix called it being "Flooded While White.
Ed Morrissey at wrote
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has drawn plenty of media attention, and for good reason. It touches on environmental, energy, and competence issues for the American government, and it has cost eleven people their lives. Can we clean up a major spill from an offshore drilling rig? If we can’t stop it from spewing oil quickly, our entire energy policy and the idea of energy independence could be at risk, at least politically.
However, the national media has overlooked another disaster in Nashville. Torrential rains have flooded a major American city, causing over a billion dollars in damage, which puts the crisis among the most expensive natural disasters in American history. Except for a couple of brief mentions, hardly any attention at all has been paid to it at all. Perhaps that’s because, as this video suggests, Tennessee has tried handling it themselves (via Newsbusters):
Nashville: The disaster America ignored? May 6, 2010
The difference between the crowds of black New Orleans residents huddled in the SuperDome and the rural people of Americaland is something I've noted before. I mentioned in 2010 that in Parliament Of Whores, P. J. O'Rourke describes an October 7, 1989 march against homelessness that he attended:
That morning as I was going out the door of my own housing–which is handsome, spacious and frankly underpriced due to the District of Columbia Housing Act of 1985, which in the name of keeping DC homes “affordable,” instituted rent ceilings that have led to the destruction of rental stock in the less affluent sections of the city while providing a cost-of-living subsidy to rich, unfeeling conservatives like myself. But I digress … . As I was going out the door, my wife said, “Will there be lots of people from South Carolina at the housing march?”I said, “Huh?” “You know,” she said, “where Hurricane Hugo just destroyed everybody’s house.” My wife, like many wives, is under the impression that mankind is as rational and pragmatic as wives are. I had to explain that there wouldn’t be any people from South Carolina in the march demanding houses from the government because the people from South Carolina were too busy building houses for themselves. [AMONG THE COMPASSION FASCISTS The National March for Housing Now!, Page 187]
The point is that out in Americaland, the people voted for Trump don’t hold up "Help Us" signs like the people affected by Katrina. They help themselves.