A recent demographic study prepared by the California Catholic Conference noted with satisfaction the growing population, both numerically and percentage-wise, of Catholics in the state due to immigration.
The paper begins with a warning that "leading Catholic indicators" like attendance and contributions reveal "a church at risk" (not to mention the continuing problems with pedophile priests as reinforced by a new documentary film, "Deliver Us from Evil."). But the increasing demand for Catholic services, as typified by the California growth due to immigrants, shows that there is still a future for the decrepit church. That’s why it’s seen as a "Boom" by the hierarchy, not an overpopulation problem [A Catholic Boom for the United States, Catholic Online, 6/26/06].
As debate continues over immigration policy in the United States, a side effect of the large inflow of people is a sharp increase in the Catholic population. The size of that increase is evident in a study released last Monday by the California Catholic Conference.By 2025, Catholics are expected to comprise around 36% of California’s population, up from the current 30%, according to the report, "Planning for the Future of the California Catholic Church: A Demographic Study." The percentage of Catholics nationwide is expected to be 23.7% by 2025. The growth in California Catholics is fueled by the increasing Hispanic presence. [ … ]
Catholic Latinos will likely increase to 40 million in 2025, more than triple the 13 million in 1990. Total growth in the U.S. Catholic population will amount to 29 million by 2025. Virtually all of the growth (26 million) will be due to the Hispanic population. Proportionally, their share of the Catholic population will double, to 48%, over the 35-year period.
Of course, immigration’s so-called "side effect" of additional Catholics is precisely why the Council of Bishops has been campaigning furiously for amnesty 151 more immigrants mean a larger market share with increased political clout and corresponding access to taxpayer money. Furthermore, the Catholic Church is pushing hard for open borders in America because it believes it will gain power now being lost in Europe as Europeans become more secular.
The level of demographic detail in the 65-page report is considerable, and shows that the Catholic Church is quite cognizant of the benefits for itself resulting from the demographic warfare it is promoting.
In addition, the Council of Bishops is calling on parishioners to harbor illegal aliens in their homes. Say, Cardinal Mahony could certainly make room for a couple dozen in his presumably sumptuous digs.