
American Black Muslim Shooter In Muhammad Cartoon Attack

By James Fulford


UPDATE: The other one, Nadir Soofi, is from Pakistan.

One of the Muslims involved in the attack on the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest”, in Garland, TX, seems to have been a black American convert. That’s not how some bloggers are putting it.

TWO ISLAMISTS WERE SHOT DEAD, ONE OFFICER WOUNDED at Pamela Geller-Robert Spencer TX Free Speech Conference on Sunday. Alleged Shooter Elton Simpson in Garland, Texas Terror Attack a Radical Muslim Convert, Posted by Kristinn Taylor, GateWay Pundit, May 4, 2015

I admit that their Muslim religion was the motive, but that’s no reason for their race to go unmentioned.

Here’s a tweet by one of the shooters:


In spite of the Arabic lingo, that’s by black American Elton Simpson:

Breaking: One TX Terror Suspect ID’d — Elton Simpson from Arizona — 2 Suspects Were Roommates!, Posted by Jim Hoft, GateWay Pundit, May 4, 2015

ABC has a selfie, and an interview with Simpson’s father:


Father: ‘My Son Made a Bad Choice’, By Brian Ross, Rhonda Schwartz And Randy Kreider, ABC News, May 4, 2015, 7:02 AM ET

ABC says

Followers of ISIS had been sending messages about the event in Texas for more than a week, calling for attacks. One referenced January’s Charlie Hebdo massacre in France and said it was time for "brothers" in the United States to do their part.

Elton Simpson is one of the "brothers" who responded.

By the way, if you're wondering whether the shooters should be called "Muslims" or "Blacks", check out the way Daily Beast Correspondent Tim Mak chose to describe them:

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