
AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW Announces "Our Diverse and All-Woman Team"

By Steve Sailer


The American Political Science Review announces a diverse editorial team:

APSA Announces the New Editorial Team for the American Political Science Review
July 26, 2019 American political science review, APSR, Journals 0

The American Political Science Association is delighted to announce a new editorial team to lead the American Political Science Review (APSR), starting June 1, 2020. The APSA Council selected a team co-led by twelve distinguished political scientists:…

We are honored to have been selected as the American Political Science Review’s new editorial team. We thank the APSA Council and the selection committee for their confidence in our team and for their support for our vision. In entrusting the editorship of the association’s flagship journal to our diverse and all-woman team, the Council is demonstrating its commitment to promoting a wider range of voices and scholarship in the journal and the discipline.

Increasingly, contemporary Americans are no longer concerned with abstract concepts like “diversity.” Now, “diversity” doesn’t mean “diversity,” it instead means the Good People who deserve to win. The opposite of “diversity” is no longer “homogeneity,” it now means Bad People (straight white males) who deserve to lose.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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