
AMERICAN THINKER On Renee Ellmers And Plutocracy In North Carolina

By Patrick Cleburne


Ellmers R

Congresscritter Ellmers (H/T One Old Vet)

Over at the American Thinker, John Bennett has written a thorough and thoughtful summary of the NC-2 GOP Primary situation, where Treason Lobby Housemaid Renee Ellmers is relying on her owners’ money to get renomination: A Passionate Republican Amnesty Advocate: Congresswoman Renee Ellmers April 25,2014

… the 2nd district of North Carolina has drawn the short end of the stick with GOP Representative Renee Ellmers …

Ellmers insulted a group of constituents for expressing valid concerns about mass immigration, rudely lashed out at Laura Ingraham, then turned to liberal donor groups to help her primary campaign — an appeal that resulted in huge donations from Mark Zuckerberg

Ellmers took the initiative to reach out to pro-amnesty lobbying groups and pled for help in a PR campaign to spruce up her image. Before long, Facebook’s Zuckerberg was dumping money into ads supporting Ellmers. One of the Zuckerberg-sponsored ads claims that Ellmers is “working hard to secure the border and fix our broken immigration system once and for all. No amnesty, period.” As a result of these misleading ads, Daniel Horowitz at Red State called Ellmers “a passionate supporter of amnesty and open borders” in an article titled, “How to Lie Your Way Through a Primary,”

Bennett cites an old friend of VDARE.com, Samuel Huntington

She fits the profile Samuel Huntington warned of; elites who have lost connection with the interests of their homeland and community. The modern elite, according to Huntington, often “view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing.” Huntington noted that this view of immigration puts elites at odds with the public, and that this conflict would grow as elites grew further detached from mainstream America, in attitude and interests.

and shrewdly concludes

Ellmers has attained a degree of social status that allows her — if she chooses — to look down on her constituents and remain indifferent to the pressures they face in their lives. With the support of elites like Zuckerberg, Ellmers probably thinks that she can safely ignore the interests of the majority. She has arrived on the D.C. political scene. That grand achievement carries with it various entitlements, such as scoffing at one’s own constituents.

Ellmers’ primary challenger, Frank Roche, has earned endorsements from several grassroots conservative groups. For those seeking to send a message to the pro-amnesty GOP establishment, this is the chance.

Another old VDARE.com friend, Tom Shuford, managed to get a letter provoked by Ellmers published in a major North Carolina newspaper: A North Carolina Reader Instructs The MSM On The COSTS Of Immigration.

For my own part I sadly fear that the Conservative movement in North Carolina — which saved Ronald Reagan’s political life in the 1976 Presidential Primary and enriched the nation with the incomparable Jesse Helms — is being corrupted by the same kind of forces I discussed on Sunday in Diagnosis: South Carolina GOP Has Terminal ADD (Adelson Dollar Disorder)

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