American Voices Are Being Heard On The National Illegal Immigration Disaster

By D.A. King


Last week [ May 14] the Atlanta Journal Constitution Editorial page editor here, Cynthia Tucker, wrote her usual blather about illegal immigration — and then attacked me. Personally.

She seemed upset.

" … legitimate concerns can be drowned out by the bigoted messages of xenophobes such as D.A. King, a Cobb County man who has emerged as one of the loudest local critics of illegal immigrants. Though he insists he supports legal immigration, he rails against cultural change."

[Note from D.A; I do support legal immigration. I also support fertilizing my lawn, but I know the result of applying too much fertilizer … ]

It was headlined: "Living proof of immigration’s marvelousness". Honest.

It turns out that Tucker’s sister is married to a former illegal alien. Huh …

You can read Tucker’s column from in Baltimore Sun, which does not require registration, here.

I started to write more here about Tucker, but for now, I don’t have much to add to the last time I wrote about her … here.

Yesterday, the letters editor put ten letters in response to Tucker in the declining AJC. Read them here. They covered half a page.

The Baltimore Sun did not publish a different version of my response to Tucker there. Huh …

I have offered to publicly debate Tucker several times. She has never responded.

My response letter printed in the yesterday’s AJC [Sunday, May 21, 2006] Fun is where you find it.

From her perch high atop Mount. Mindless on the far, far left, Tucker’s "invective- filled" personal attack on me is evidence of her obvious desperation and anguish resulting from the knowledge that American voices are being heard on the national illegal immigration disaster.

Illegals wave the flag of Mexico while screaming, "Los Angeles is ours"!, They carry signs demanding "Amnesty now"! and "This is our continent"! Nearly five years after 9/11, millions of people from all over the world continue to illegally cross our unsecured borders every year.

English is an optional language in Georgia.

Unlike Tucker, most Americans regard these facts as bad things.

One can only imagine the sleepless nights Tucker must suffer knowing that we even have borders — or how she must secretly regard the brave Border Patrol Agents who risk their lives to guard them.

I wear Tucker’s dishonest attack as a badge of honor.


D.A. King


King is president of the Dustin Inman Society, a group dedicated to educating the public on the consequences of illegal immigration.

Another note from D.A; I write a column in a competing, but smaller, local paper here — the Marietta Daily Journal, . Two weeks ago, I wrote about my sadness concerning the loss of my beloved office helper and pal, Bob the cat. Bob was lost to coyotes — they are everywhere here. The column is linked here.

I keep expecting to read in one of Tucker’s rants that I am a " xenophobic, heartless anti-canine bigot" who is against four-legged animals that "look different" than me and are a different "hue" than Bob was.. She is that clueless.

Good-bye Bobbers … we miss you.

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