I've reported before that immigration patriots Inside the Beltway are surprisingly confident about stopping the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill despite the deafening MSM cheerleading. Here’s a sign they may be right:
The Senate will spend this week reshaping an immigration-reform bill in hopes of building bipartisan support for the measure. But that detailed scrutiny of the measure is scaring off the very lawmakers that its authors hoped to win over.
By the time the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on the bill later this month, dozens of amendments will have been added to address the concerns of lawmakers now reluctant to back it. But it’s still not clear whether the changes will satisfy reluctant lawmakers without scaring off those who support the original measure.
"Even though there has been some support during the amendment process, it’s unclear on whether the immigration bill will make it over the finish line," Ron Bonjean, a GOP consultant and former top Senate and House aide.
Democrats hold 55 Senate seats, five votes short of the 60 needed to advance the reforms, but they will need even deeper Republican support, as many as a dozen votes, because a handful of Democrats facing re-election in 2014 — including Sens. Mark Pryor, of Arkansas, and Kay Hagan, of North Carolina — may not heed President Obama’s call to revamp the immigration system
"The Democrats from red states where immigration reform is unpopular won’t vote for it," said Jennifer Duffy, senior editor for the Cook Political Report.
Immigration reform backers struggling to build support in Senate, by Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner, May 12, 2013. Emphases added.
THe comment thread is vitriolically hostile to Amnesty, as usual.