
AmRen’s Jared Taylor: "To Understand the Ferguson Riots, Look to Africa"

By Peter Brimelow


American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor specializes in saying the unsayable — his take on the Ferguson Fiasco is headlined To Understand the Ferguson Riots, Look to Africa (August 21). He concludes (emphases added):

A grand jury is supposed to consider the evidence without regard to politics or public opinion. No matter what case the prosecutor presents–even if it is the weakest the grand jury has ever seen–does anyone in America think the jurors have the courage to refuse to indict? The rabble in Ferguson have already corrupted one hard-won achievement of Western common law.

And when the case goes to trial, what juror will not recall the 50 deaths that followed the acquittal of the police who beat Rodney King? What juror will not recall the insults heaped on the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman? It will do no good to move the trial to a different jurisdiction. Officer Darren Wilson will not get a fair trial unless it takes place on the moon. This is another sacrifice to Africa.

In the long term, as Africa and other parts of the Third World expand in our midst, it will become harder and harder for any of our basic European institutions to function. We are slipping back towards corruption and the rule of brute power. Africa may always be in our midst, but unless our rulers understand what that means, many Fergusons are in our future.

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