An Easter Greeting From Mexico
By Allan Wall
The crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are foundational to the Christian faith. That’s why various branches of Christendom — through diverse cultural traditions — memorialize the death, burial and resurrection of Christ each spring.
Mexico has a variety of traditional Eastertime customs, many of them deriving from Spain, with others originating here.
Mexican schoolchildren get two weeks of vacation — the week preceding and the week following Easter Sunday .
Most Mexican universities, however, usually get just one week of vacation — Holy Week (the week preceding Easter). There are exceptions, such as the Catholic university in which I imparted a class last year.
For the past four semesters my main job has been teaching at a secular high school/university. (In Mexico a high school is sometimes part of a university). So I only have one week of vacation. My wife (who teaches in another high school) and children (a third-grader and a kindergarten student) have two weeks of vacation. So this past week, the family and I enjoyed a 4-day trip to another area of Mexico.
For more information on Eastertime customs in Mexico, you can read my article "Celebrating Eastertime in Mexico" which is located here .
I wish all my readers a Happy Easter, or, in the words of the traditional Mexican greeting: ?Felices Pascuas de Resurreccion!