An Urgent Message From Peter Brimelow:’s Christmas Drive Has Completely Stalled
This is the situation I face in the small hours of Wednesday morning. (Running is a 24/7 job).
I have a typically brilliant article by Steve Sailer, presenting a completely new view on what the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test results mean for the U.S. (Hint: it raises question about the wisdom of the 1965 Immigration Act.)
I have a brilliant article from Ilana Mercer on the fall of South Africa vs. the fall of Anglo America (Go ahead, laugh. Just don’t look at the Census data).
I have brilliant article from James Fulford definitively listing cases of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome over the last several decades.
(It amazes me that this “trend” has not been picked up by the Main Stream Media. Well, maybe it doesn’t amaze me. That’s why we started
In fact, I have a lot of brilliant articles on hand. (Admittedly, the MSM, liberal and “conservative”, makes it easy for us to look brilliant).
And I can easily assign more. (For example, I could ask Ed Rubenstein to quantify whether ending birthright citizenship–which is actually proposed in the next Congress–could save California for what we are starting to call the GAP–the Generalized American Party.)
Bu I can’t publish these articles unless I can pay the writers.
And our Christmas Fundraising Drive, after some help from close friends, has stalled.
How am I supposed to pay Steve? How am I supposed to pay James Fulford, who provides our indispensable hyperlinks for Steve and for every article? How am I supposed to pay Brenda Walker, whose documentation of immigrant crime (repressed by the Main Stream Media) I have had to put on hold so that we can devote our energies to our Christmas Appeal?
And what about our other key writers? What about the dozen or so articles I have on hand or assigned, all of which I genuinely think could change some part of the debate–and save America?
I can’t publish Steve’s article tonight. I have to block the site. I have to have more contributions for
I know some of you get irritated about this–and, as a professional journalist, I HATE it. But it’s what life will be like without
Only YOU can make sure that I can keep our writers writing.
Only YOU can ensure that continues publishing.
Unlike our opponents–and some of our “allies”–we have no reserves.
We need your help now!
Please help us now.
I, and all of us at, and I believe future generations of Americans, will be profoundly grateful.
Peter Brimelow
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