Anarchists Vs. Republicans
The Loyal Opposition blog, a Democrat in Minnesota, received this Anarchist flier, (in English and Spanish) from some local activists:
The RNC Welcoming Committee- a group of Twin Cities-based anarchists and anti-authoritarians formed to organize resistance to the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul- stands firmly with immigrant communities in opposing the recent wave of nativist repression led by the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) branch.[Anarchists, a Minneapolis non-profit, and embedded threats. « The Loyal Opposition]
He’s been able to trace the sender, and has questions for the organization that’s hosting these people, who are basically offering to riot in support of illegals, but that’s not my point.
I’m afraid that what struck me is their idea that immigration raids were the result of nativist, Republican plot. They haven’t been keeping up with their plotting, apparently.
Neither Michael Chertoff, head of DHS, nor George Bush, who appointed him, are nativists. In fact, it’s hard to even call them Republicans. If there’s any plot behind the raids, it’s to make the government look like it’s enforcing the law, so Bush can slip amnesty through.
If the anarchists had any tactical sense, they'd wait until after amnesty to threaten riots.