Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch Weekly Round-Up, March 17, 2017: “Battle of Rotterdam”, Etc.
Ann Corcoran at Refugee Resettlement Watch has posted her latest Roundup:
I’ve been terrible about keeping up with weekly round-ups, so I figured it was about time I put one up!For my last round-up (it was for the month of February, click here).
The Top Three Posts of the last week are these (top daily posts are in the right hand sidebar):
And, I want to mention that another post just skyrocketed yesterday. It is this one:
- “Battle of Rotterdam” on eve of historic election in the Netherlands
- Michigan: More confirmation that refugee resettlement is an industry
- Hawaii: Muslim Brotherhood-backed imam dictating US refugee policy
BTW, I’ve added a new sidebar widget: Refugee Admission numbers for FY17.
For new readers: I wrote this little book in 2015. Although a bit out of date now, it might help you get up-to-speed on an issue that is dominating the news today.
Fiscal year 2017 runs from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. As you know Donald Trump has set the CEILING at 50,000 for the year. As of the March 16th, the day Trump’s 120-day moratorium on resettlement was to go into effect, we were at 38,106.
The Hawaii judge placed, illegally in my opinion, a restraining order on the refugee ceiling portion of the order. So, I will track the numbers every few days (assuming Wrapsnet is working) and post the latest number in the right hand sidebar.
For new (and some long-time readers): Sorry for the repeat on some of this, but I get e-mails and comments about these issues all the time!
RRW is on twitter. I am @RefugeeWatcher. As of this morning I have 8,996 followers. My tweets are also in the right hand sidebar here at RRW.
RRW is on Facebook, my page is here. It has 42,000 likes as of this writing.
I am here by myself, no staff, just me, so I can’t answer every inquiry I receive. I’m sorry. I hate to look rude, but I can’t.
Increasingly readers are telling me that they subscribe to RRW, get a few e-mails with new posts, then all of a sudden they don’t get them anymore. I don’t control that, wordpress does. First, check your spam folder to see if your e-mail server is sending them there. Next, resubscribe and try again. And, there is the possibility that some e-mail server is blocking RRW.
But, you can always visit RRW directly every day or so and scroll back to see what I have written in the last few days. It seems to me that that is the best option — less e-mail in your inbox and you can then see all the other features here at RRW most especially Frequently Asked Questions in the header.
Commenting rules (for the zillionth time!):
I screen comments. I check them a few times a day. I post NO comments threatening violence or those with foul language.
If you attack another commenter with an ad hominem attack, it won’t be posted either. You can tell them they are wrong without impugning their character.
I’m not posting conspiracies of any sort. I deal in facts.
And, please, please stop sending ‘off-topic’ comments. If you want me to see a link that does not relate to the story I’ve posted, you can send it, but don’t expect to see it posted as a comment. And, I am going to have to shorten comments when you post the entire text of another article.
Search RRW for topics that interest you!
I’ve written 8,372 posts in the last nearly 10 years. There is a lot of material here at RRW. Please use the search window, upper left, using key words that relate to your interest and see what I have said in the past on the topic. WordPress’s search function is very good! LOL! I know because I have to use it all the time to see what I’ve said over the years!
Also, for new readers, you might want to see my first youtube video from 2015, I see it is at 2,889,554 views as of this morning, here.
And, again thanks to all of you who have sent kind words of encouragement. Know how much I appreciate it even if, for lack of time, I don’t respond directly.
This post, and all past roundups are at my ‘blogging’ category.
Go here to see more.