
Ann Corcoran’s Report Of Armenian Vs. Latino Riot In CA School Just One Of MANY Ethnic Riots In American Schools

By James Fulford


Ann Corcoran Of Refugee Resettlement Watch tweets:

This is in Glendale, which is up to 40 percent Armenian. Armenian-Latino violence is an old story in California.

In a review of Jared Taylor’s book White Identity, Steve Sailer wrote

Since many of his examples are drawn from my native Los Angeles, I am able to confirm their validity. For example, Taylor writes:

"In March 2005, there was a riot involving 200 to 400 Armenian and Hispanic students at Grant High School in Los Angeles. … The school’s dean, Daniel Gruenberg, explained that there had been similar eth­nic battles at least once a year for more than a decade."

Grant H.S. is in a fairly nice part of the San Fernando Valley, just north of tony Sherman Oaks, home to numerous character actors and screenwriters. You've seen dozens of TV shows filmed on Grant’s campus. I've shot hoops at the high school’s gym on and off since the 1970s.

Is Taylor overstating how long this history of mass violence between Armenians and Mexicans has gone on at Grant?

No — he’s understating it. A 2000 article in the L.A. Times reported:

"John Salapa’s ninth-graders have been at Grant High for only two months, but they have already learned a few things. … And they know what October means: fights between Armenian Americans and Latinos …'It’s a tradition,' one said. 'That’s why they call it the October riots. They probably schedule it.'"[Program Seeks to Reduce Latino-Armenian Tensions at School, By Hilary E. MacGregor, October 22, 2000]

Why? The LA Times' MacGregor continued:

"For as long as most people there can remember, tensions between Armenians and Latinos at Grant have flared in late October. The 3,300-member student body, representing 32 cultures, is one of the most diverse in the San Fernando Valley. … One district official speculated that tension between the Latino and Armenian students may have originated from disputes over relief efforts in the mid-1980s after earthquakes in Mexico and Armenia. At the time, students from each ethnic group claimed that the other received more empathy and relief …"

But that mid-1980s dispute had to have been an effect rather than a cause of racial hatred between Armenians and Mexicans, because I can recall the two groups already rioting at Grant in the mid-1970s, when I was attending Notre Dame H.S. two miles away.

But there lots of school riots, and many of them are interethnic in weird ways. See Kurds vs. Latinos Brawl at High School in Nashville.

Of course, in non-diverse schools, with only one minority, you get Latino-on-Latino or black-on-black fighting.

See Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Gang Warfare and The Fulford File: The Democrats Are Real Party Of School Violence — Because It’s Committed By Minorities.

But my favorite interethnic riot is a tri- or quad-racial brawl from 2006 that I covered in Race Riots In California Schools: "What Makes Us Special …,where Tongans and Samoans fought on the side of the blacks against the Hispanics:

Race riots, pitting blacks against Hispanics, broke out in two California schools, one in Fontana High School, in the Inland Empire, and one in San Bernardino.

Video footage of an interview with Sergeant Doug Wagner of the Fontana Police Department shows him describing how it started with a fight between a black and a Hispanic youth, which then involved more students from "each of those races" and then some Samoan students got involved, and it got up to hundreds of students, with rocks and bottles being thrown by students, and pepperspray and beanbag rounds used by the police. "Several students and police also said a group of Tongan and Samoan students joined with the black students in the fight."[Racial fights break out at 2 schools |One clash shuts Fontana High. The other at San Bernardino’s Pacific High is smaller. October 14, 2006 By BEN GOAD and RICHARD BROOKS, The Press-Enterprise]

And now for a word from the Fontana Unified School District’s official website:

What Makes Us Special

Our community is rich in culture, racial and economic diversities. We cherish our differing cultural backgrounds and share the common goal of having high expectations for our children, and to the commitment to the continuing improvement of our schools.

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