Ann Coulter (And Vs. VICE Magazine
Ann Coulter is distinctly unhappy about Vice Magazine’s article about her and the rise of Donald Trump:
Do millennials know how to write ABOUT anything without screaming "RACIST!"? VICE: Sofa: RACIST! Balcony: RACIST!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 10, 2016
What was the pt of driving around LA? I can make “claims” on the phone. The whole point of going to Thai Town, etc was to present evidence.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 10, 2016
Q: Who else was writing @ immigration in 2007? A: Mickey Kaus, David Frum, Pat Buchanan. VICE: WHITE NATIONALISTS!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 10, 2016
Outwardly racist VICE completely invents paragraph on Mickey Kaus — even calls him a RACIST!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 10, 2016
VICE gives Ann Coulter a lot of credit for influencing Trump on immigration — he read Adios, America, and absorbed the message — but they also hate her, and I suppose, most Americans:
"TRUMP READ IT!" Coulter crowed in an email to me this past March as I was working on another story for Broadly. "Anchor babies, building a wall, how many illegals are here (minimum: 30 to 50 million), Mexican rapists, immigrant crime, the heroin epidemic brought to us by Mexico, H-1B workers — all this is from Adios, America! You might have found some of that elsewhere (if you looked really hard), but the immigrant crime wave, and specifically the Latin American rape culture, has never been written about until ADIOS, AMERICA!"
Coulter has described her opposition to immigration as being driven by "cultural" rather than "racial" reasons; in short, she believes Latino and Muslim immigrants come from countries with cultures that advocate rape, murder, homophobia, and drug use, and therefore pose a threat to both US security and America’s cultural identity. In practice, of course, her ideas are vaguely racial — and as some liberal commentators have argued, outwardly racist — calling for the preservation of American culture as defined by decidedly white British and Dutch settlers.[How Ann Coulter Created Donald Trump, By Mitchell Sunderland, September 8, 2016 ,]
Do they think American women, of whatever color, will be made happier about the importation of Muslim, Mexican, or African rape culture by the thought that it’s better than those evil British and Dutch settlers?
Those British and Dutch settlers produced a culture more respectful to women than anywhere else in the world, including Europe. In the meantime, Mexico’s rape problem is horrible. In 2003, Mary Jordan of the Washington Post won the Pulitzer for her horrifyingly detailed story of the culture of rape in Mexico and how rarely it’s punished. [In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime, By Mary Jordan, Washington Post, July 30, 2002]
The Muslim and African cultures are even worse.
Here’s more from Vice:
"Immigration is never going to affect George Soros or Rupert Murdoch or Megyn Kelly or Rachel Maddow — it’s not coming to their neighborhoods," said Coulter, who graduated from Cornell University and splits time between her residences in Beverly Hills, Manhattan, and Florida. "They don’t know anybody who lost a job because of a bad trade deal. They don’t know any steelworkers, coal miners, and they don’t particularly care."
This type of anti-immigration populism isn’t exactly new. The ideas Coulter outlined in Adios, America had been bouncing around the right-wing blogosphere and talk-radio circuit since at least the 1980s, espoused by conservative pitchfork-wielders like Pat Buchanan and more recently by the white nationalists and "identarians" who post on websites like VDARE.
"In terms of writers and pundits, that was about it," Coulter said in an email. "There were specifically immigration-concerned groups like NumbersUSA and fabulous members of Congress, like the sainted [Alabama Senator] Jeff Sessions, but those you could count on one hand."
They also mention that she fought against amnesty during the Bush administration — I made a list of some of those columns a while back:
- April 12, 2006 Brown Is The New Black
- May 17, 2006 Read My Lips: No New Amnesty
- May 23, 2007 Importing A Slave Class
- May 31, 2006 Se Puede Get Two Years Tax-Free!
- June 6, 2007 Bush’s America: Roach Motel
- August 22, 2007 1 Down, 11,999,999 To Go
- November 21, 2007 NYT: Suicide Manual For Dems
- November 28, 2007 NYT: An Undocumented Newspaper
That one not only quoted Peter Brimelow and referred to Alien Nation, but it quoted
“How about the proposal made on Brimelow’s website,, that illegal immigrants be told they have two months to leave the country voluntarily and not have their breaking of our immigration laws held against them when they apply for citizenship from their home countries — or not leave and be banned from U.S. citizenship forever?”
As a result of that column, Harper Collins sold out of copies of Alien Nation. However, the main thing to note is that VICE still doesn’t get it about the suppression of immigrant crime. They've attached a note to the end:
Correction: An earlier version of this piece stated that Coulter was prompted to write Adios America after uncovering statistics about the number of immigrants in the US. In fact, she says she was prompted to write the book after uncovering statistics about the number of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants living in the US.
That’s still not getting it — women are raped by Mexicans with legal status every day.