Ann Coulter: How Many Reagans Have We Lost To Campaign-Finance Reform?

By James Fulford


Ann Coulter writes on the increase in the media’s power to pick candidates, especially Republican candidates

This is why you will cast your eyes about the nation in vain for another Reagan sitting in any governor’s mansion or U.S. Senate seat. Pro-lifers like to ask, "How many Einsteins have we lost to abortion?" I ask: How many Reagans have we lost to campaign-finance reform?

Aside from celebrities, the totally driven, and billionaires, the field is limited to

Mainstream media-anointed candidates, like John McCain and B. Hussein Obama. What a bizarre coincidence that a few years after the most draconian campaign-finance laws were imposed via McCain-Feingold, our two front-runners happen to be the media’s picks! It’s uncanny — almost as if by design! (Can I stop now, or do you people get sarcasm?) By prohibiting speech by anyone else, the campaign-finance laws have vastly magnified the power of the media — which, by the way, are wholly exempt from speech restrictions under campaign-finance laws. The New York Times doesn’t have to buy ad time to promote a politician; it just has to call McCain a "maverick" 1 billion times a year. It is because of campaign-finance laws like McCain-Feingold that big men don’t run for office anymore. Little men do. And John McCain is the head homunculus. You want Reagan back? Restore the right to free speech, and you will have created the conditions that allowed Reagan to run. [ — Printer Friendly Article: HOW TO KEEP REAGAN OUT OF OFFICE ]

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