Ann Coulter On Koran Burning

By James Fulford


From Ann Coulter’s syndicated column:

In response to Gen David Petraeus' denunciation of Florida pastor Terry Jones' right to engage in a symbolic protest of the 9/11 attacks by burning copies of the Quran this Sept. 11, President Obama said: "Let me be clear: As a citizen, and as president, I believe that members of the Dove World Outreach Center have the same right to freedom of speech and religion as anyone else in this country."
Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida lauded Obama’s remarks, saying America is "a place where you're supposed to be able to practice your religion without the government telling you you can’t."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called Obama’s words a "clarion defense of the freedom of religion" — and also claimed that he had recently run into a filthy jihadist who actually supported the Quran-burning!

Keith Olbermann read the poem "First they came … " on air in defense of the Quran-burners, nearly bringing himself to tears at his own profundity.

No wait, my mistake. This is what liberals said about the ground zero mosque only five minutes ago when they were posing as First Amendment absolutists. Suddenly, they've developed amnesia when it comes to the free-speech right to burn a Quran. BONFIRE OF THE INSANITIES, by Ann Coulter, September 8, 2010

Obama is appealing to the "better angels" of small church in Florida that wants to burn a Koran as protest against Islamic mass murder — where were these better angels when Muslims wanted to build a mosque at Ground Zero celebrating it?

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