Another Amnesty Breaks: Immigration Fees Waived To Allow The Importation Of Poverty

By Federale


Earlier (2002) by Sam Francis: It’s Official: U.S. Importing Poverty

Another day, another amnesty. This time it is limited, but significant; the Biden Regime is expanding waivers of fees for immigration-related applications. While this is not as important as the parole amnesty or the open southern border, it is yet another indication that the Biden Regime is lawless and acting to replace the Historic American Nation with non-white illegal aliens.

The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday proposed expanding immigration fee exemptions while increasing some fees by hundreds of dollars.

The agency currently provides some fee exemptions and waivers, but Homeland Security proposed additional fee exemptions for refugees, juveniles, abused spouses and others.

“In this new fee rule, DHS proposes to return the focus of its fee-setting away from emphasizing the beneficiary-pays principle towards the historical balance between the beneficiary-pays and ability-to-pay principles,” Homeland Security said in a 469-page proposal. “DHS has been directed by the President to reduce barriers and promote accessibility to the immigration benefits that it administers.”

[Homeland Security Proposes Expanding Immigration Fee Exemptions, by Madeline Hubbard, Just The News, January 3, 2023]

In other words, the alien first, despite the fact that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is supposed to be completely funded by fees for the services it provides.

Note the fee for one of the Biden Regime Administrative Amnesties, the Deferred Action Amnesty, had the fee reduced by $400.

The proposed fee for an application to suspend deportation also decreased by $400 to $340.

While Americans doing genealogical research on their ancestors were hit with a huge fee increase for obtaining records from USCIS about their forebearers who immigrated legally.

The agency proposed increasing other fees by as much as 300%. For example, a paper genealogy records request from the agency currently costs $65. The new fee would increase prices by 300% — to $260.

Similarly to rewarding illegal aliens in the Deferred Action Amnesty, the Biden Regime has decided to fund the fraudulent Asylum Amnesty with fees on employers who hire H-1b and other temporary workers.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also proposes to fund the asylum program with a controversial new Asylum Program Fee of $600 to be paid by employers who file either a Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, or Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker. DHS said it has determined “that the Asylum Program Fee is an effective way to shift some costs to requests that are generally submitted by petitioners who have more ability to pay, as opposed to shifting those costs to all other fee payers.” This new $600 fee would be in addition to processing fees for those petitions.

[USCIS Issues Proposed Rule to Raise Fees and Fund Asylum Program With New $600 Employer Petition Fee, WR Immigration, January 9, 2023]

Here the Biden Regime is doubly attacking Americans, replacing American workers with H-1b serfs and using their fees to import more low wage workers. Americans lose both ways.

As ever, the Biden Regime is always America Last, Invaders First.

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