Another Amnesty Plan In The Senate: The Wish Act

By Bryanna Bevens


You have to hand it these politicians and their creative (deceptive) acronyms: the WISH Act, the DREAM Act …

The latest is [S.2049] the Welcoming Immigrants to a Secure Homeland Act.

Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM … yes, he is actually a Republican) introduced S.2049 as another option to debate next week when the Senate turns to immigration reform. [email him]

From his own website press release:

β€œThe time is right to fix our immigration laws, which are not working properly,” Domenici said. β€œMy bill strikes a sensible and realistic balance between cracking down on illegal immigration while encouraging legal immigration. Slamming the door on immigration or unilaterally deporting millions of illegals already in the country is just unrealistic.”

Here is part of the bill summary from the same website:

In his quote above, Domenici says his bill is a "realistic balance between cracking down on illegal immigration while encouraging legal immigration."

Looks to me like its more of a caving in and giving the immigration lobby everything they want at the expense of Americans.

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