Another Child Abducted To Mexico By Alien Child Molester
Fernando Peons Aguero was born in Tijuana, Mexico.
In 1985 he was found guilty of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor under the age of 14 in Los Angeles County.
He served one year in prison before being released.
Last Friday, Aguero kidnapped 8 year-old Lydia Rupp from her home in Fernley, Nevada.
Over the weekend, Aguero crossed back over the border into Mexico taking Lydia with him.
A convicted sex-offender, an immigrant from Mexico has abducted a little girl and we have nobody to blame but ourselves…
When will the MSM et al. cease with the whole “immigrants are just workers trying to support their families” bilge?
Better yet, when will Americans stop buying it?
Read story here.