Another Great Night For Immigration Patriots — And It Will Get Better

By Peter Brimelow

03/15/2016 does not endorse candidates, but causes. And, like Super Saturday, March 15 was a great night for immigration patriots. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, both campaigning against immigration, held Governor John Kasich below 50% in his own state of Ohio, which except for the MSM’s determination to trash Trump would be regarded as a humiliation, and got 60%-80% of the vote everywhere else. The rout of the GOP Establishment is total. Senator Marco Rubio, standard bearer of the Gang of Eight’s Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill, was destroyed in his own state of Florida and dropped out. Of course, former governor Jeb! Bush — remember that fawning National Review cover story? — didn’t even get to Florida. (For that matter, remember Rick Perry?)

Moreover, just as the Democratic candidates have pandered themselves out onto an extreme immigration-enthusiast limb, so John Kasich has chosen this moment to go full Bush bonehead on Amnesty and immigration, presumably in response to his donors. So there’s a real possibility that not just the general election, but also the rest of the GOP primary season, could turn into the up-or-down debate on immigration that the entire political class has fought for so long to prevent.

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