Another Reason There Are So Many Illegal Aliens: ICE Leading Rescue Missions Into Mexico
By Federale
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is now spending their time and budget not arresting illegal aliens, but trolling the world looking for aliens with medical needs and bringing them to the United States.
In a shocking case, ICE HSI used an armored vehicle to move a Mexican child with a tumor from his home to the United States. ICE HSI is supposed to be a law enforcement agency, not the Peace Corps or Medecins Sans Frontiers. It is an agency that is supposed to arrest illegal aliens, drug smugglers and alien terrorists. But ICE HSI thinks those problems are unimportant and they now think they are an international service organization.
WaPo/AP July 20, 2012
Homeland Security Takes Boy With Big Tumor From Dangerous Mexican City To NM For Treatment
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A 9-year-old boy with a massive tumor was whisked from a dangerous neighborhood in Mexico in an armored vehicle by U.S. agents and taken across the border for treatment in New Mexico, his family said.
The boy and his parents were snatched Thursday from the gang-infested neighborhood in Ciudad Juarez — one of the deadliest cities in the world — after members of a New Mexico Baptist church saw him near an orphanage and sought help …
With no money for medical care, the family sought treatment in Juarez and El Paso, but did not receive any help removing the tumor, which has afflicted Jose since birth.
Si Budagher, pastor of First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho, N.M., said church members spotted the boy while doing missionary work and felt compelled to help him.
“He just came up to us and offered to carry groceries,” Budagher said. “The Lord put him in front of us … “
And then an ICE official decided to spend taxpayer dollars to "rescue" this Mexican from Mexico, and, might I note, in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, which prohibits spending monies not appropriated by Congress. There certainly is no lawful basis for this "rescue" mission by ICE HSI.
Denise Gutierrez, a victim assistance coordinator for Homeland Security Investigations, said she felt compelled to help as soon as she saw photos of Jose.“I refused to believe that there was nothing we could do for this boy,” she said.
Gutierrez said the boy and his parents were granted a 45-day humanitarian visa for treatment in New Mexico, and a coalition of U.S. agencies led by Homeland Security Investigations began working to get them into the United States.
So Gutierrez decided to be generous with the money of others. It is noticed that she did not help pay for a specialist in Mexico to treat the young boy. She is like the Ted Kennedy of ICE. Happily spending the money of others to assuage her own conscience. Did she kill someone as Teddy did and is trying to make amends?
Oh, and by the way, poor Jose will be treated at public expense, not using donations. He will be a charge of Medicaid and the family will be on AFDC and TANF, nor will they ever leave the United States. They are here forever.
But this begs the question, why didn’t ICE HSI and Gutierrez rescue the Indonesian Tree Man? If it is the purpose of ICE HSI to travel the world rescuing those with strange diseases and deformities, why not Dede Koswara as well? Why not the millions of others? It is Gutierrez' racial solidarity with her fellow Mexicans? Doesn’t she have enough work to do?