Another Rotherham-Style Report, This One from Manchester, on Muslim Pimps Abusing English Girls with Impunity
By Steve Sailer
As I’ve been pointing out for years, the main feature distinguishing Rotherham from many other cities in England where Muslim pimps abuse underage English girls, is that Rotherham commissioned an Official Report, published in 2014, that journalists could quote from without being accused of Trafficking in Racist Stereotypes.
I’d been hearing about this pattern for years and had published a Taki’s column documenting the problem in 2013. But I’m the kind of journalist who Trafficks in Racist Stereotypes (i.e., I don’t censor what I write based on Intersectional Who-Whom considerations).
Now, a half dozen years after the Rotherham Report, there’s another official report out, this one on Manchester.
From The Independent (UK):
Fears over race relations affected police probe into child sex grooming gang, report suggests
Investigation identified 57 potential victims and 97 suspects in Manchester — but almost no action taken amid fears of inciting racial hatred
Colin Drury @colin__drury
5 hours agoDozens of teenage girls suspected of being groomed and abused in Manchester by gangs of men from Asian backgrounds were failed because police feared upsetting race relations, a new probe has suggested.
Victims repeatedly alerted officers about sexual assaults, giving names and addresses of those involved, but, in almost all cases, no action was taken.
Now, a bombshell report suggests Greater Manchester Police and the city council shelved an investigation into what was happening at least partially because of the “many sensitive community issues” they felt faced with.
“Concerns were expressed about the risk of proactive tactics or the incitement of racial hatred,” the 145-page independent review states.
And it adds: “The authorities knew that many [victims] were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect them from the perpetrators. This is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country.”
The verdict forms part of the probe — carried out by childcare expert Malcolm Newsam and former Cambridgeshire Police detective Gary Ridgway​ — into how sexual child exploitation was dealt with in the city in the early and mid-2000s.
It centres on Operation Augusta, which was set up in 2004 after the death of Victoria Agoglia, 15, a girl who reported being raped but who died from a suspected overdose soon after she alerted authorities to the abuse.
Augusta subsequently identified at least 57 victims — mainly white girls aged from 12 to 16 — and some 97 potential suspects involved in grooming across the region.
But senior officers at GMP under-resourced the investigation before closing it down completely with the backing of Manchester City Council. Only three people were convicted of related crimes at court.
The force had, at that time, just finished dealing with unrelated cases involving the Kurdish community that had created severe tensions and officers were keen not to be seen targeting another minority group, it is suggested.
But in closing the investigation, the report states, “very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted”.
Diversity is our strength.
Question: The British newspapers all have the report, but is the reported posted online yet for the public to read?