Anti-Semitism Is A Disease?
So I’m watching E! Hollywood News (don’t ask me why … pregnancy has possibly rotted my brain) and apparently Mel Gibson’s arrest for DUI over the weekend is causing quite a ruckus in LA LA Land.
In a world where drug and alcohol addiction (and just garden-variety debauchery) is so prevalent that it sounds more like an entry on a resume than an affliction, why should a DUI stand out?
Well … at some point during the ordeal, Gibson supposedly said something like "Jews are responsible for most of the wars in the world."
The only thing more dangerous than someone making a derogatory comment about Jews in Hollywood would be a naked woman standing outside of mosque in Tehran with the words "ALLAH WAS HERE" written in body paint across her chest.
Back to E! Hollywood News … some Rabbi was interviewed and asked how he felt about Gibson’s allegedly racist remark.
He said (brace yourself) "Mel Gibson suffers from two diseases — alcoholism and anti-semitism."
My sister (who is the funniest person I know) was watching as well and when the Rabbi tossed out that little zinger Jen said:
"All this time we've been concerned about AIDS and Cancer when there are other more worthwhile diseases which deserve our attention."
On a more serious note, this is not about anti-semitism or racism or anything of that nature — I am not interested in saying what is or isn’t an anti-semitic remark. Hate as a hobby (and there is no proof that Mel Gibson does) is not my cup of tea!
But set all of that aside for a moment because I do know one thing:
Just because something is distasteful, annoying or just plain wrong does not mean it is a disease — see: television evangelism, vegetarianism and Beatlemania.
Stupidity on the other hand …