
Are Homemade Masks Working in Prague?

By Steve Sailer


From Prague Morning:

Usage of Masks “Flattened” Growth of Coronavirus Cases in Czech Republic
Prague Morning
MARCH 29, 2020

The growth of coronavirus cases has “flattened” in the Czech Republic ever since the country’s government has made masks compulsory, claimed data scientist Jeremy Howard. … This occurred after the government announced it was compulsory to wear something covering a part of your mouth and nose when leaving your residences — such as a home-made mask or a scarf on March 18.

… In just 10 days, the country went from no mask usage to nearly 100 percent usage, with nearly all the masks made at home with easily accessible materials, like old t-shirts.

Unfortunately, I don’t see a lot of totally convincing graphs online about what is happening in Czechia.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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