This is a sweet moment, and is the result of elected officials taking their responsibilities seriously. Thanks to Russell Pearce and others in the Arizona legislature who brought this important bill across the finish line.
The ink was hardly dry before the reflexive squawks about racial profiling were railing at full blast. Days earlier, Cardinal Roger Mahony, a known pedophile priest protector, had characterized the tougher strategy as being similar to Nazi tactics. After the signing in Phoenix, a “small riot” broke out.
However, illegal aliens better not get caught while driving drunk, because police are now better equipped to protect public safety.
For the factual details, see the Arizona Fact Sheet for SB 1070.
Fox News’ Cavuto show was running earlier when Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill, and Sheriff Paul Beleu was on hand to comment. He was enthusiastic about the law saying, “Crime is out of control in Arizona … and we need this as an additional tool.” As he explained how the law would be implemented, the situations he described of using “reasonable suspicion” were in the context of pulling over an errant motorist. When Neil asked about seeing a group of Hispanic men “gathering in an area,” the Sheriff responded that
“Fourth Amendment rights are still in force.”