"Arizona GOP Candidate Says Democrats Are Behind Most Mass Shootings" — If By "Democrats" You Mean "Non-White" … .
This just appeared in the Huffington Post
Arizona GOP Candidate Says Democrats Are Behind Most Mass ShootingsAP
Posted: 05/18/2014 9:21 am EDT Updated: 05/18/2014 9:59 am EDT
FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) — A Republican businessman running for Arizona’s 1st Congressional District says most mass shootings in the U.S. are committed by Democrats.
The Arizona Daily Star reports (https://bit.ly/1lNY8Fd) that Gary Kiehne made the remarks at a Republican primary debate Saturday in Florence.
Kiehne, a Springerville rancher, told the 60-member audience that "99 percent of (mass shootings) have been by Democrats pulling their guns out and shooting people."
State Rep. Adam Kwasman, also a candidate and was there, said he supports gun rights. House Speaker Andy Tobin, who is also running, did not attend.
The debate was put on by the Pinal County Republican Committee.
The Aug. 26 primary election will decide who faces incumbent U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat. The mostly rural district is the state’s largest district by area.
The party registration question isn’t something we've gone into deeply — James Von Brunn, the Holocaust Museum shooter, has frequently been referred to as a "registered Democrat." So was J. T. Ready, and at a time (1966) when almost all whites in Texas were, probably Texas Tower shooter Charles Whitman.
I've noted repeatedly how many mass shooters are actually "Immigrant Mass Murderers".
If they haven’t been naturalized, they have no business belonging to an American political party at all, but of course, they have no business committing mass murder.
In any case, we might expect the various Asian, Hispanic, and African immigrants who committed mass shootings to have a high proportion of Democrats.
In an article called “Have You Noticed That White Dudes Keep Mass Murdering People?” No, We've Noticed You Promoting It,I pointed out that this kind of crime gets a lot more airplay when a white person does it, and pointed to a class of mass murderer that frequently gets omitted from these roundups, black guys like Omar Thornton who decide their white co-workers are racist and shoot them all. I wrote
Here are eight photographs omitted from the Mother Jones page, [A 30-year timeline of mass shootings, with photos of the killers.By Mark Follman, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, December 15, 2012 ] which would have made it look more like America as it is today.(Victim numbers include wounded.)
I’m pretty sure all these guys below voted the straight Democratic ticket, although because felons can’t vote, some of them didn’t get the chance to vote for Obama.
Seriously, while the 99 percent figure suggested by Arizona Republican Gary Kiehne is hyperbole, Republicans are by and large the party of legal gun ownership, justifiable homicide, and the death penalty.
Democrats are by and large the party of banning legal gun ownership, protesting stop and frisk, attacking people who have committed justifiable homicide, trying to prevent the death penalty — and allowing felons to vote.
Putting it another way, the Republicans are the White Party, and the Democrats are the Black Party.
Perhaps Kiehne could clarify that. Or perhaps he thinks he’s in enough trouble already.
Maurice Clemons +5 victims | Charles Lee Thornton +8 victims |
Colin Ferguson +25 victims | Clifton McCree +5 victims |
Hastings Arthur Wise +7 victims | William D. Baker + 9 victims |
Omar Thornton + 11 victims | Nathan Dunlap +4 victims |