Armenian In Washington Honors Irish Brigade In Mexico On St. Patrick’s Day
Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico’s Armenian ambassador to the United States, is exercising his diplomatic skills on Twitter, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
- Congratulations to all in the US today on St. Patrick’s Day! 39 minutes ago via ÜberSocial
- In Mexico, on St Patrick’s day, we honor memory of the Irish battalion (san patricios) that fought alongside the Mex Army in the War of 1846 35 minutes ago via ÜberSocial
- En este dia d Sn Patricio, recordamos al batallon irlandes -los "san patricios"- q peleo al lado d Mexico en la invasion de EU a Mex en 1846 39 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry
The diplomatic part is where he refers to the Mexican War as the "US Invasion" in Spanish, but not in English. Smooth! See my St. Patrick And San Patricio: Thoughts On Immigrants Then And Now for more on the history involved.