Arnold Proposes Immigration Tax for California

By Brenda Walker


In this state, water is a matter of concern. The population is 36 million and still growing, unlike the winter rains which are our main source of water. In the Bay Area, we have had less than normal rainfall, while southern California has had one of the driest winters on record, e.g. Los Angeles has gotten only 18 percent of normal rainfall so far this season.

Governor Schwarzenegger fancies himself an environmentalist, and has been eyeing some green-appearing projects that deal with explosive population growth.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday promoted a $6 billion plan for increased water storage and protecting fresh water supplies, calling for two new dams and better management of the delta.

"Our state’s population is increasing rapidly. We also have earthquakes and major storms that could really destroy our levee system," the governor said, speaking against the backdrop of Friant Dam at Millerton Lake, in the Sierra foothills east of Fresno.

Two-thirds of Californians depend on the Sierra Nevada snowmelt for drinking water while Central Valley growers use it to irrigate their fields. Schwarzenegger said the state’s expected growth — to 55 million people by 2050 — requires it to create more water storage

Of course we wouldn’t need increased water storage if the government would get a grip on immigration anarchy and the skyrocketing population growth that has resulted. Now we taxpayers have to pay another immigration tax ($6 billion!) to get screwed by open borders.

And who wants to live in a dreadful California with 55 million people? Only Mexicans!

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