Arpaio, Hayworth — Perfect Patriotic Storm Coming In Arizona?

By Peter Brimelow


The Rasmussen poll has just reported that Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a celebrated opponent of illegal immigration, is the strongest GOP candidate in the 2010 gubernatorial Arizona race — a particularly remarkable achievement because there is an incumbent Republican governor. This comes after Rasmussen’s earlier report that Senator John McCain is in trouble against former Congressman J.D. Hayworth in the 2010 GOP Senatorial primary. Hayworth is also an outspoken opponent of illegal immigration, publishing a book on the subject in 2006.

This would be a perfect storm for immigration patriots and a terrible blow to the Treason Lobby. We can be sure that (a) John McCain is is going to have NO DIFFICULTY raising campaign funds; and (b) an Arpaio-Hayworth win will go straight down the memory hole, like California’s Proposition 187 (and Arizona’s Prop 200).

But, in the words of renowned psephologist Robert Burns, "it’s coming yet, for a' that".

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