Aspired Rapper DMX, RIP
By Steve Sailer
DMX, the aspiring rapper/stick-up man turned actual rapper, has expired at age 50. He leaves behind 15 children. From a March 14, 2008 interview with DMX:
Q. Are you following the presidential race?
A. Not at all.Q. You’re not? You know there’s a black guy running, Barack Obama, and then there’s Hillary Clinton.
A. His name is Barack?!Q. Barack Obama, yeah.
A. Barack?!Q. Barack.
A. What the f — is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?Q. Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.
A. Barack Obama?Q. Yeah.
A. What the f — ?! That ain’t no f — –’ name, yo. …. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the f — outta here.Q. You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.
A. I ain’t really paying much attention.