"Asylum" as fraud — so what’s new? (Armchair action-opportunity, too!)

By Paul Nachman


As VDARE’s Thomas Allen has informed us over the years, the U.S. refuge and asylum programs are fraud factories, back-door routes to legal immigration, with no real cap on the numbers admitted. (During the past two years, the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog has become the go-to source for all themes involving refuge- and asylum-abuse. See also what Temple U. law professor and former Assistant INS Commissioner Jan Ting had to say several years ago on this general subject.)

And, as Michelle Malkin has emphasized over the years, "It ain’t over 'til the alien wins."

Now that you're primed, meet Herta Lluscho and her mother Tatyana, and read the highlights of their particular sob story:

A 19-year-old University of Detroit Mercy student is fighting to stay in the country after getting a letter from the U.S. government saying that she and her mother face deportation to Albania this week.

Herta Lluscho and her mother, Tatjana Lluscho,received a letter last month demanding that they report Wednesday [August 19, 2009] to face deportation.

Herta Lluscho and her mother came to the United States eight years ago in search of educational opportunities for Lluscho. They came here on tourist visas and applied for asylum. Since she came to the country at the age of 11, Herta has attended Pierce Middle School and Grosse Pointe South High School, where she graduated with a 4.05 GPA.

Herta Lluscho attends the University of Detroit Mercy, where she is studying engineering. She is a community volunteer, is active in her church and as such, is a productive member of society, her supporters say.

Herta Lluscho said she would be at a loss emotionally if she were sent back to Albania.

"This is everything I know," said Herta, a Detroit resident. "How do you pick up your home and leave? What am I going to do?"
[UDM student fights deportation order, by Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News, August 17, 2009]

As Thomas Allen confirmed for me (private communication), in asylum cases, the potential asylees have to seek succor in the first external country they reach. In the case of Albanians, that first external country certainly wouldn’t have been the United States, even if they traveled by air. (It’s clear from the brief history of Albanian Airlines that they've never flown to the U.S.. Currently, but apparently not for much longer, 2009 start-up Scanderbeg Air offers a few nonstop flights per week between Tirana and New York City.)

So there’s no way the Lluschos could legitimately claim asylum in the U.S.. (The exception, Thomas Allen informs me, is if, while the Lluschos were being tourists in the U.S., conditions in Albania suddenly became hazardous for them. But Albania’s last major domestic troubles were in 1997 — 1998, at least three years before the Lluschos arrived here.)

Nonetheless, they applied for asylum and, as that article from The Detroit News makes implicit, they were turned down. But since it ain’t over until the aliens win, the Lluschos evidently just shrugged their shoulders and stayed on, after their visas expired, as illegal aliens, Albanian category. And now that young Herta has soaked up about seven years of American schooling at public expense in Detroit’s still-livable suburbs, the Lluschos know that we really, really owe them legal permanent residence.

So the usual forces of national capitulation and dissolution have stepped up on Herta’s behalf, headed by the Service Employees International Union (representatives of which have been prominent mayhem-makers at this summer’s Congressional townhall meetings, nationwide).

And, with some help from Michigan’s senior U.S. Senator Carl Levin, they've achieved results! After the immigration enforcement authorities were bombarded with thousands of emails funneled through the SEIU website, the Lluschos (whose last name, figuring The Detroit News’s reporter got it right, is misspelled several ways by Herta’s fan club) received a stay-of-deportation until November 9, 2009. "It ain’t over until … ."

As of this writing on September 3, 2009, the SEIU’s web page to "Tell DHS and ICE: Do Not Deport Herta!" is still available, with its apparent email connection to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and two of her underlings. So why shouldn’t we immigration-sanity patriots use it, too, and try to balance the message count, a steep undertaking at this point? (The video of Herta at this page has her happily describing the 9-inch-thick stack of letters on her behalf that the ICE hearing officer showed her and then urging her legions to keep the pressure on.)

If you're going to step up, note that on the second page (after starting here), you'll need to replace both the subject line and the message with your own patriotic words. Here’s what I wrote for my message:

I’m writing to ask Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Assistant Secretary for ICE John Morton, and acting ICE field officer Rebecca Adducci to promptly deport Herta Lluscho and her mother Tatyana (case number is A-96-139-44) back to Albania.

They came to the U.S. on a tourist visa and quickly applied for asylum, which was apparently denied, so they've been illegal aliens ever since.

And no wonder their asylum application was denied! It was clearly fraudulent — if they'd actually been at hazard in Albania, they should have applied for asylum at their first stop outside that country, thus following the fundamental rule for asylum cases. Of course there had to be a stop before they reached the U.S., as there have never been nonstop flights between the U.S. and Tirana.

Further, the newspaper accounts of the young woman’s "case" make it clear that her family was simply determined to come to the U.S. for their private economic advantage, no matter what our laws were. Virtually their first, cynical act here (the asylum request) demonstrated their unsuitability for legal permanent residence.

The U.S. is more than full. We certainly don’t need character-impaired people like these. Please ship 'em back, pronto!

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