At Life’s End Many Immigrants Make the Final Journey Home
By Joe Guzzardi
Mexicans want to live in the United States. They want to work in America. And they want to bear children and educate their American citizen off spring right here in the USA.
But when they are dead, they want to be buried in Mexico.
According to a January 2, 2004 Sacramento Bee story titled, "At Life’s End Many Immigrants Make the Final Journey Home," in 2004 more than 1,500 bodies were shipped from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento back to Mexico for interment. [ NOTE: See Sam Francis’s comments on same phenomenon in New York.]
Mexican consulate offices provided financial assistance.
According to Sacramento Consul Luis Enrique Castresana, "For Mexicans, to go back to their country — alive or dead — is the most important thing."
Well….maybe Mexicans prefer to be home when they’re dead. But judging by the looks of things here in Calfornia, when Mexicans are alive, they’d rather be in the United States.