"Attagirl!" Postcards For Arizona’s Governor Brewer

By Paul Nachman


On a prior occasion, I urged VDARE blog readers to send postcards of gratitude and support to Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I’m just guessing that such tangible support — picture postcards from all over the country — will be both morale boosters and useful props for the sheriff to demonstrate that his immigration enforcement has widespread support from ordinary citizens.

Now it’s time to do the same for Arizona’s stand-up governor Jan Brewer. She’s come on strong in the last couple of months, not only by signing SB1070, for state enforcement of federal laws against illegal immigration, but also by signing two other bills that relate to what Peter Brimelow calls "the National Question," i.e. whether a polity has the right to sustain its own culture.

One of those other bills makes it explicit that Arizona businesses have no obligation to provide translators for potential customers or clients who don’t speak English. The third bill aims to prevent the ethnic-studies curricula in Arizona public schools from being training classes for another generation of race-focused grievance merchants. These other two bills have been discussed by Brenda Walker (here) and Rob Sanchez (here), respectively.

Further, Brewer hasn’t backed down under the coast-to-coast vituperation resulting from her signature on SB1070. Instead, she’s found her voice, as noted by Larry Auster here and here.

Thus Brewer is that rarity among contemporary American politicians: She has a spine! Still, the execration from all directions must be at least somewhat daunting. So let’s barrage her with postcards expressing our gratitude and support.

Postcards are good because they're tangible (unlike emails), colorful (if you send a picture postcard that features your locale), and easy to deal with: There’s nothing to open, and your message has to be short. Further, if you sign it and just give your city and state (i.e. no street address), it’s clear that no response is expected.

Here’s what I managed to — legibly — squeeze onto a card whose front is a spectacular photo of the rushing Gallatin River amid the Spanish Peaks:

Dear Gov. Brewer, I wish you were here, signing good laws in Montana, too! I’m thinking of SB1070, the one against forcing businesses to supply translators, and the one against ethnic studies classes that teach sedition and hatred of whites. I’m sure citizens across the country envy Arizonans for having a governor with the courage to stand up for citizens’ interests. To your good health! Paul Nachman Bozeman, MT

Her snail-mail address is

Governor Jan Brewer 1700 W. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007

Currently, postage for an "ordinary-sized" postcard (mine is 4" X 5.75") is $0.28. Let’s swamp her with approval coming from all 50 states!

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