Attention from the MSM!
Frequent contributor D.A. King is on a roll. On Friday The New York Times featured him in a story on Georgia’s highly commendable Security and Immigration Compliance Act [In Georgia Law, a Wide-Angle View of Immigration, By Rick Lyman May 12, 2006]. And today he has the honor of being smeared (yet again) by Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker; [Living Proof Of Immigration’s Marvelousness May 12, 2006]
This Georgia law is clearly something to be brought to the attention of every State Legislature.
Ann Morse, director of the Immigrant Policy Project at the National Conference of State Legislatures, said no other state had gone so far as Georgia in trying to restrict immigrant benefits and rights since Proposition 187 in California (passed in 1994 and ruled unconstitutional four years later) and Proposition 200 in Arizona (passed in 2004). Both measure denied many social services to illegal immigrants. "There are other bills in legislatures around the country that are somewhat comprehensive, but nothing as comprehensive as Georgia’s," Ms. Morse said. This came about, the bill’s author said, because Republican leaders in Georgia decided that public support was growing for such an initiative. "We decided that the best thing to do was to take a lot of ideas and put them together in one bill," said State Senator Chip Rogers, a Republican representing some of Atlanta’s far northern suburbs, who wrote the new law and spearheaded its passage
On D.A.King:
D. A. King… [who] has become one of the most prominent voices for the new legislation, said …Washington has failed to act. "The Georgia legislation is a direct result of the federal government’s refusal to secure our borders in the war on terror and to get illegal immigration under control,"
Cynthia Tucker’s piece, sadly, appears to be a fine example of J.P.Rushton’s contention that the possession of verbal fluency causes a systematic overestimation of the intellect of many blacks. Her argument essentially is that because she is related to some nice immigrants, therefore immigration is a good thing. One should consequently ignore
xenophobes such as D.A. King, a Cobb County man who has emerged as one of the loudest local critics of illegal immigrants. Though he insists he supports legal immigration, he rails against cultural change. A frequent contributor to a right-wing, invective-filled Web site called…[ note: EVIL! ]
This despite the fact she recently wrote a perfectly reasonable column decrying the demoralization of young black men even in the small town South, and noting the damaging effect of the work place competition they experience from more biddable Hispanic immigrants. Idle black men, tragically, aren’t just a stereotype published on 04/16/06]
This kind of triumph of emotion over intellect, asserted in public policy, is what may well yet turn America into Haiti. — or at least, a Third World slum.
Tell Cynthia Tucker