Attrition Works — And The Media Is Still Biased
I am not accusing the writer here of concealing that fact that they're talking about illegals, but the headline just calls them "Immigrants", and the whole tone of the piece seems to say that the illegality is just a product of bigotry, somehow. I've added a couple of [illegal]’s where it would do the most good — someone needs to devise a browser plug-in that will do that for MSM immigration stories.
By the way, I’m not sure how they got to the US illegally from Brazil, the traditional way to come if you're not Mexican is to come legally and overstay, but Brasileiros are frequently encountered by the Border Patrol coming across the Rio Grande. The good news is that they're leaving because of fear of stepped up enforcement. At least part of the stepped-up enforcement is the ending of the catch and release program for "Other than Mexicans," exposed here on
Worried, frustrated [Illegal]immigrants headed back home to Brazil —By Liz Mineo, Framingham MetroWest Daily News July 29, 2007
The 51-year-old Brazilian man came [illegally]with plans to stay here for up to six years to save enough money to buy a house in Brazil, two cars for his daughters and secure a life back home.
But after three years of calling Framingham home, the man has decided to go back to Brazil with only part of his dreams fulfilled mainly because, he said, living as an illegal immigrant doesn’t pay off anymore.
"It’s not worth it," said the man, who doesn’t want to be identified for fear of deportation. "It was good when I first got here, when the money I made here had more value back home. Now it’s not worth all the suffering. That’s why I’m leaving."
He is not the only one.
Across MetroWest and the Milford area, many Brazilian [illegal]immigrants are packing their belongings and leaving for good as they grow tired of immigration crackdowns, increasing demands from employers to produce working papers, and the worsening exchange rate between the dollar and Brazil’s currency, the real.
For years, illegal immigrants from Brazil have coped with the uncertainty of life here and the threat of deportation because of a favorable exchange rate. When the dollar hit its lowest level in three years this month compared to the Brazilian real, a result of the real’s strengthening due to Brazil’s export boom, many people decided to take the plane home.