
Australia Solves Its Aboriginal Achievement Gap Problem

By Steve Sailer


Earlier: Learning from Abroad: How Australia Is Solving Its Racial Inequality Problem

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

Ever since the Bolt case a decade ago, it has been more or less legally risky in Australia to question in the media just how Indigenous a person claiming to be the First Indigenous Whatever actually is. So reporters don’t dare ask the people they are celebrating exactly what their fraction of Aboriginal ancestry is.

My impression is that Aboriginal appearance genes tend to be among the most recessive of any racial group, so some of these extremely white-looking Firsts might be 1/8th or even 1/4th Aboriginal. But others could be getting down toward Elizabeth Warren levels. You might think there’d be a Conversation in Australia about what exactly the limit is to qualify as Aboriginal, but then, that’s illegal.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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