AZ 7th — Grijalva/McClung a Toss-up!
In an appalling development for Reconquista Congressman Raul Grijalva, the widely-respected Cook Political Report has moved the AZ-7th race from “Likely Democrat” to “Toss-up”
"We're moving this race to toss-up," said David Wasserman, House editor for the non-partisan Cook Political Report. "This is a big surprise for Democrats."
Rocket Woman: What Propels a 28-Year-Old Tea Party Rocket Scientist to Congress? By Joshua Miller ABC News Oct 20, 2010
As I predicted in my initial comment, the Treason lobby is rushing resources in to help the NumbersUSA career F- Representative:
Democracy for America — the group originally founded by former DNC Chairman Howard Dean — is going all in for Rep. Raul Grijalva. DFA’s PAC has donated, DFA members have raised over $40,000 for him and volunteers are making calls in tandem with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
House: The Daily 10 By Kasie Hunt 10/20/10
I have received some skeptical email about McClung, whose Numbers USA response is indeed good but not perfect. (But how much can a 28-year old scientist be expected to know?)
To my mind, my correspondents miss the point. If McClung wins, analysis will unquestionably reveal she won by activating the Anglo/white vote. That will wreck the credibility of the Hispanic Supremacists amongst the Democrats, regardless of how she turns out.
And — who knows? — maybe the GOP establishment might start to think