AZ Official Chooses Aliens Over Americans

By D.A. King


In Tombstone, Arizona, Cochise county officials are considering utilizing zoning codes to attempt to stop a group of citizens from all over the U.S. who plan to gather there for the purpose of calling attention to the consequences of the open borders of the Bush White House.

Interesting that the Arizona Republic reports[ 'Minutemen' may face zoning hurdle, Feb 25] that a Cochise county Arizona supervisor, Paul Newman, wants to "regulate" the planned gathering of fed up American patriots with the comment that local government needs to "minimize the potential for violence and property damage" … and but "I do feel that the county has an obligation to take preventive action that can minimize the potential for violence and property damage that a large gathering of armed individuals … "

Angry citizen to Mr. Newman … when do you begin to use the law to end the invasion of your county, the resulting violence and property damage by the 4000 illegal aliens who illegally cross from the Arizona borders from Mexico every day?

Let me see if I have Newman figured out here -Influx of Americans trying to save their nation — bad? Invasion by Mexico — good?

Pick a side County Supervisor Newman. The President already has.

From here in Marietta, we will follow the next Cochise county Arizona Supervisor election with interest.


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