Barack Obama Called Out By Black TV Exec … For Not Being Black Enough
It’s somewhat of a pattern in Beltway Right media. A screaming headline will trumpet criticism of President Barack Obama by a fellow African-American. Conservatives will then gloat about how Obama is losing black support as people are "waking up."
Of course, then you actually read the meat of the article and find Obama is being criticized for not being sufficiently ethnocentric and anti-White.
Media mogul and Entertainment Studios CEO Byron Allen unloaded on President Barack Obama over the weekend for not acting black enough.“President Obama is, at this point, a white president in black face,” Allen, who is black, told TMZ.
“Black America would have done much better with a white president. You have let us down tremendously,” he continued …
“I’m disappointed that President Obama called those young men out there in Baltimore ‘thugs,'” Allen told TMZ. “I’m not condoning violence, but I don’t think we should call them thugs because we’ve positioned them to fail, and the system has failed them.”
“I say to President Obama, ‘You have to remember who you are. Don’t forget who you are.'”
“Check the numbers. Black people have fallen further behind under President Obama,” he continued. “We’re being murdered in the streets, we’re being murdered in the courtroom, we’re being murdered in the boardroom.”
“It’s OK to be the president of the United States and also be a black man.”
[Black TV Executive Calls Obama 'A White President in Black Face,' by Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, May 25, 2015]
Notice the casual assumption that once in power, Obama should use his position to advocate for black rioters and put the power of the state behind advancing his co-ethnics. Of course, Obama actually has been doing that through a system we at call Racial Socialism. But until he takes it to South African levels, many African-Americans will continue to be unsatisfied.
Remember, the people who babble about "White Privilege" tell us ethnocentrism is only a bad thing if it is used by people with "power," i.e. white people. Being President (or Attorney General or a billionaire media mogul for that matter) doesn’t count as having power.
Why? Because shut up, you racist, that’s why.