BBC Internships: No Whites Need Apply
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) advertises openly and frankly for applications only from "UK nationals from a Black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority." Note the capitalization protocol there.
The BBC positions are for a period of a year, and come with a bursary of £19,480 for London placements, and £16,881 for placements outside of London. While the BBC will pay half the salary, Creative Access pays the other half. [Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Advertises "Black, Asian, Or Minority"-Only Positions by Virginia Hale;, May 7th 2016.]
What is Creative Access? One of those bogus "charities" feeding off the taxpayer’s teat, like the taxpayer-funded "voluntary agencies" (Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, World Relief Corporation, and some lesser names) busy stuffing bogus refugees into your town, as Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch has been explaining for years.
Creative Access tell us on their website that they are "looking for talented young people from Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds to fill paid internship places at many of the UK’s top media organisations."
This is of course frank racial discrimination, in plain violation of UK law. But then, where sticking it to whitey is concerned, all laws are suspended — cf. "affirmative action."