Beastie Dad Israel Horovitz Fights For His Right To Party
By Steve Sailer
From The New York Times:
Nine Women Accuse Israel Horovitz, Playwright and Mentor, of Sexual Misconduct
… Jocelyn Meinhardt was 19 when she began a summer fellowship in 1989 with Mr. Horovitz at the Gloucester Stage Company in Massachusetts, where he was artistic director. She knew Mr. Horovitz; one of his sons, Adam Horovitz, who would go on to fame with the Beastie Boys, had been her high school boyfriend. That first night, she said, Mr. Horovitz drove her in his convertible — its license plate read AUTHOR — to the family home. He locked the door, then kissed and fondled her. She began to cry. Mr. Horovitz then led her to his bedroom, where she said he raped her.
Shouldn’t that last sentence read:
Mr. Horovitz then dragged her to his bedroom, where she said he raped her.
Or held a gun to her head while forced her to his bedroom?
His son, Adam Horovitz, said in his own statement: “I believe the allegations against my father are true, and I stand behind the women that made them.”
Sounds like some family issues …
Mr. Horovitz’s behavior around women had long been the subject of whispers. But since at least 1993, Gloucester Stage officials had known it was more than mere speculation: that year, Mr. Horovitz was the subject of an exposé in The Boston Phoenix in which 10 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault.