Beltway Right Tries to Downplay Immigration in 2016 elections

By James Kirkpatrick


Mainstream media outlets are starting to figure out what you already learned at — the GOP is blowing the 2016 midterm elections. Part of the reason is that the Ed Gillespie style GOP Establishment refuses to campaign aggressively on immigration, let alone a populist, National Conservative agenda. And the Beltway Right’s chattering classes are an important part of the effort to keep the Republican Party irrelevant.

[George] Will went on to explain that he did not think immigration would be much of a factor in the midterm elections, rating immigration a two on a scale of one to ten where ten is the greatest amount it could matter. Will added that immigration may be a more important political issue in Colorado this November. Will’s fellow panelist Charles Lane of The Washington Post rated immigration a five or a six on the ten-point scale, and Charles Krauthammer agreed calling it a 5.5. [Will’s Take: 'The Real Threat of Deportation is Negligible, National Review, September 12, 2014]

What is important? What do ordinary voters care about according to George Will? The Import-Export bank of course.

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