Ben Shapiro on Jonathan Weisman’s Book "(((Semitism)))"
By Steve Sailer
From Commentary:
Alt-Blight(((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump by NYT deputy Washington editor Jonathan Weisman is to be published on March 18, 2018.Review of ‘(((Semitism)))’ By Jonathan Weisman
BEN SHAPIRO / JAN. 17, 2018[Comment at]… According to Weisman, Judaism derives its present-day importance from the way it provides a religious echo to secular leftism. This is his actual opening sentence: “The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erected.” Thus does he describe a people whose binding glue over the millennia is a faith tradition literally designed to separate its adherents from those who are not their co-religionists.