
Berkeley Increases Hispanic and Black Admissions by Over 40%

By Steve Sailer


From the L.A. Times news section:

For the first time, Latinos are the largest group of Californians admitted to UC

JULY 16, 202011:28 AM

In a historic shift, Latinos are the leading group of prospective freshmen accepted into the University of California for fall 2020, part of the system’s largest and most diverse first-year class ever admitted, according to preliminary data released Thursday.

Latinos slightly eclipsed Asian Americans for the first time, making up 36% of the 79,953 California students offered admission. Asians made up 35%, whites 21% and Black students 5%.

The rest were American Indians, Pacific Islanders or those who declined to state their race or ethnicity. About 44% of admitted students were low-income while 45% were the first in their families to attend a four-year university.

Overall, the UC system’s nine undergraduate campuses offered admission to a record number of students: 119,054 freshmen, up from 108,178 last year. The campuses also admitted 28,074 transfer students from the California Community Colleges system.

UC Berkeley led all campuses in boosting admission offers to underrepresented minorities, accepting the largest number of Black and Latino students in three decades, more than a 40% increase over last year.

By the way, the California state constitution outlaws the use of race and ethnicity in UC admissions, so this 40+ increase at Berkeley is prima facie illegal. But since May 24, 2020 we’ve been in the Post-Rule of Law Era, so whaddaya whaddaya?

[Comment at Unz.com]

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